Research in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health: Evidence for Best Practice with Online Study Tools 12 months


ISBN: 9780170398565
ISBN-10: 0170398560
Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Book with Other Items
Language: English
Published: 6th April 2018
Publisher: Cengage Learning Australia
Country of Publication: AU
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 20.5  x 2
Weight (kg): 1.19
Edition Number: 6


Research in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health provides students with the theory to understanding research frameworks in nursing and allied health. Using practical examples, this text applies the theory to practice in a number of updated cases that reflect students across the nursing, midwifery and allied health areas. The research framework introduced in the book has three different intersecting purposes: (i) to show students how to critically appraise existing research (ii) to show students how the results of research can be used in clinical practice to inform patient care (iii) to conduct their own research. The sixth edition includes more content than ever before linking research to evidence-based practice, helpfully sign posted throughout the text in new evidence-based practice boxes. Research in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health supports instructors as they guide new nursing researchers through the entire research process in a practical and easy to read step-by-step guide. The new four-colour design will be a welcome addition to Cengage’s suite of Nursing texts.


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